Whiteboard.chat Gives You and Your Students Free Collaborative Whiteboards!
In the old days (the pre-COVID-19 days), if you wanted to teach your students arithmetic you simply gave them a worksheet and walked around the classroom watching them work through it.
You could see students who were struggling, you could speak to them, you could see their processes and lines of thought, and you could help them.
You could teach on a blackboard, write things down, about various subjects, and the class could pay attention and learn.
It was comparatively easy to teach subjects such as math, the sciences, or even something as basic as geography.
Is this still the case?
So what should teachers, educators, and instructors do?
What happens when their budgets are tight, but they still need a collaborative blackboard and worksheets they can monitor from a distance?
They use Whiteboard.chat.
A collaborative whiteboard to instruct, or worksheets for each student
Whiteboard.chat provides two main usage options.
The first is the most basic and is offered by many other services: a whiteboard you can write on which your students can watch in real time.
This is the digital distance learning equivalent to your classroom blackboard.
The second is a lot more special, and it blows us away that this is free: a collaborative worksheet for you and your students.
Now your students can solve their math problems with you watching. They can do geography with you watching. They can solve chemical equations with, you guessed it, you watching…
And you can evaluate their work in real time!
Here’s why Whiteboard.chat is amazing
If that all wasn’t enough, Whiteboard.chat slathers the cake in delicious icing.
As we mentioned the service is free.
But there’s one more thing: email addresses are optional, making it fast and simple to get started, while also retaining PII.
Oh and there’s actually another thing: it’s very easy to share collaborative whiteboards!
Want to learn more? Watch this lovely tutorial:
Use Whiteboard.chat
So after all this hype, you’re probably saying to yourself, “This sounds amazing! What’s the URL?”
It’s a hard URL to guess, but we’ll tell you. To use Whiteboard.chat, go to https://www.whiteboard.chat/
The URL is just as straightforward as the tool!
Teach away!