Clubhouse social club about.

Clubhouse Is Networking 2.0 for the Remote Age

Remote Work & Learning
2 min readDec 1, 2020

Soho House is operating at 25% capacity.

1oak is closed.

CORE:Club, dangerous because of COVID.

Le Bain — no, stay home.

“Okay, but how about random tech meetups?” Still nope.

“Where the heck do I meet people and build my network!?”

The answer: Clubhouse………………..

If you can get in.

The need that Clubhouse fills

Vetted communities are important.

Networking is important.

Networking within vetted communities isn’t just doubly important, but maybe 100x important.

Everybody knows somebody who knows somebody, but within Clubhouse you’re already in with the somebodies.

This is why Clubhouse is needed more than ever now, when you can’t go to your normal somebody clubs.

The conversations on Clubhouse

Like any private social club, the conversations on Clubhouse are open and candid.

You could get top tech VCs talking about secrets written nowhere.

Or entertainment stars paling around.

And you, yourself, can jump in with them and create connections which could lead to fruitful and auspicious projects or partnerships or mentorships or financing or whatever.

How to find relevant clubhouses within Clubhouse

Finding relevant clubhouses within Clubhouse can be a bit difficult since they all go on at different times and you need to follow the right people.

The best way to join relevant clubhouses is to look for influencers you like and follow, and to follow them within Clubhouse.

When there’s a relevant clubhouse, you’ll see it on the home screen.

How to get into Clubhouse

To get into Clubhouse you have to get invited by somebody already in Clubhouse. Each member only gets one invite, unless they have a big following, in which case they get more.

If you don’t have a Clubhouse invite, you can start with Lunchclub. Maybe you can get an invite through that!

If you do have an invite, go to the app store and find Clubhouse! It says it’s in beta, but it works fine to us!

Try it now @



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